The actions of Prime Minister Tony Blair's government are responsible for breeding resentment among British Muslims, causing some to sympathise with violent extremists, a report by a leading thinktank said on Sunday 3rd December 2006. Surprise surprise! This is what ive been saying for ages!
The government's failure to address "reasonable grievances" over issues such as the Iraq war was driving a wedge between Muslims and the rest of society rather than isolating the few extremists, the report by left-leaning group Demos said. Speak to any young angry muslim and they wil tell you that foreign poilcy is the isue.
The question of Muslim integration was rammed home last year when four British Islamists carried out suicide bombings on London's transport network killing 52 commuters.
Demos said government efforts at engagement with Muslims since the attacks had been inadequate and its report criticised the government's reluctance to discuss the impact of foreign policy, a concern regularly raised by both moderate and radical Muslim voices.
Britain, Washington's closest ally in the Iraq war, has thousands of troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan.


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